Hiring an Alexandria criminal lawyer can help you avoid the worst consequences of a criminal charge. In some cases, charges are misdemeanors, which carry less severe penalties. But you still need a lawyer to protect your rights. These attorneys can help you fight charges against you, and they can also explain the court process to you.
A skilled Alexandria criminal attorney can explain your rights and explain your options to the judge. A good attorney can even make arguments in court that the police did not have the right to arrest you. Felony offenses can result in exorbitant fines, possible jail time, and even loss of your driving privileges. It is important to hire an Alexandria criminal attorney with extensive experience in the area.
An experienced Alexandria criminal lawyer can help you avoid a conviction and help you avoid jail time. An attorney who has successfully defended clients in federal and state courts has a proven record of success. Whether you were arrested for a traffic violation, a drug crime, or a larceny, an experienced Alexandria criminal lawyer can help you fight your case. These attorneys offer free initial consultations and are confidential.
A criminal lawyer in Alexandria can also explain your right to remain silent. You have the right to refuse to answer questions from the investigating officer. Having an Alexandria criminal lawyer present during a protective order hearing can help you set the protective order aside or get less stringent conditions in the permanent one.
Driving while intoxicated is a serious offense in Virginia. If your BAC level is.088% or higher, you may be arrested and face jail time. It is also important to remember that you have the right to refuse roadside tests. However, you should never refuse to take a roadside test in a police station.
The Brown Firm PLLC in Alexandria, VA offers legal representation to individuals and businesses. The firm’s attorneys have decades of experience and are able to design an effective legal strategy for your case. Their attorneys have won cases in the General District Court, Alexandria Circuit Court, and U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia.
While assault cases are the most common in Alexandria, Virginia, there are other serious crimes that can land you behind bars. A person who hits another person in the family is charged with assault and battery. This crime is a Class 1 misdemeanor, but it can be upgraded to a Class 6 felony if there has been a previous conviction. In addition, the court in Alexandria, VA may issue an emergency protective order against the perpetrator.
Hiring a defense lawyer is important if you are facing a criminal charge. A lawyer will protect your rights and minimize the penalties of a crime. He or she can craft a strong defense strategy to keep your case out of the hands of a criminal.