If you’re going through a child custody case, it’s important to know the dos and don’ts of winning the battle. Luckily, there are many divorce & family lawyer in Miami who can help you prepare for the court process and ensure your best chance at winning the case.
1. Do Not Show Up Late for Pickups or Visitations
While this may seem like a simple thing, it can come back to bite you in the end. Your ex can document every little detail about you showing up late for pickups or skipping visits, which can be a big factor in the court’s decision.
2. Do Not Bad-Mouth Your Ex in Front of the Kids
In order to win custody, both parties must be willing to work with the other. This means that they must be willing to cooperate with each other and show the court that they’re dedicated to a better future for their children.
3. Do Not Vent Your Complaints About Your Ex in Front of the Kids
While it might be tempting to talk negatively about your ex in front of your kids, this can actually hurt them short-term and long-term. If they are allowed to hear these complaints, it can cause them to think that you are a bad parent or that your ex is the problem.
4. Do Not Be Capricious With Your Parenting Time
This might be hard to do, especially if you’re trying to get custody of the kids, but it’s important to do so in a responsible manner. It’s not fair to your children to disrupt their regular schedule or deny them visitation rights without justification.
5. Do Not Disobey the Court or Its Orders
A judge will want to see that you are following all of the orders that have been placed in place. This includes submitting any documentation that you think might be useful to the court, as well as showing up on time for all scheduled meetings and hearings.
6. Do Not Disrupt Your Ex’s Relationship with the Kids
A huge part of a court case is determining which parent is more likely to provide the children with a safe, healthy environment. Your children are already going through a lot, so putting them under additional stress isn’t a good idea.
7. Do Not Use Recreational Drugs
If you’re caught taking recreational drugs, it can be devastating to your case. This is particularly true if you can show that you have been using these substances while in front of your children.
8. Do Not Make a Habit of Rescheduling Parenting Time
This might seem like an easy habit to break, but it can be used against you. If you’re constantly rescheduling your parenting time, your ex can document this and present it in the court as an evidence that you’re not serious about custody.
9. Do Not Be Afraid to Ask for Help
If you have concerns that your ex isn’t providing the right care for your child, speak up and let the court know. This can give them the information they need to determine if it’s in your children’s best interest to award you custody of them.